Nikki Barnhart


Nikki Barnhart’s work has been featured in publications such as The Cincinnati Review, Post Road, Juked, The Rumpus, and elsewhere, and nominated for Best of the Net, Best Small Fictions, the AWP Intro Journals Prize, and the Pushcart Prize. She earned her MFA in 2024 from The Ohio State University, where she was a Distinguished University Fellow and the winner of the Tara M. Kroger Prize for the Best Short Story by an MFA Student. While at OSU, she also served as the Interviews and Reviews Editor for The Journal, and the Managing Editor for The Non/Fiction Collection Prize. She has received support from the New York State Summer Writers Institute, and is an alumna of the Kenyon Review Writers Workshop. Originally from Connecticut, she is currently a doctoral student at the University of Cincinnati. She is at work on a short story collection and a novel.

Selected Work


Here Lies X-R-A-Y

Rabbit RabbitThe Cincinnati Review

The Butterfly RoomNew Delta Review

Flying HorsesThe McNeese Review — nominated for the Pushcart Prize

Best True Love StoriesPost Road

Clara and the Nutcracker Subnivean — nominated for the Pushcart Prize

The HouseYour Impossible Voice — nominated for Best Small Fictions

Security QuestionsSuperstition Review

PareidoliaQuarter After Eight

The Boys TeamPhoebe — nominated for Best of the Net

Quick and Easy Meals For OneFEED mag


Down the Rabbit HoleThe Cincinnati Review blog

The Marigold HouseTidelines zine


Real SubjectJuked

Albums of Our Lives: Mister Loveless’s ‘Grow Up’ The Rumpus

Interviews & Reviews

The Land of Enstrangement: On Danielle Dutton’s Prairie, Dresses, Art, OtherThe Journal

Where the Haunting Happens: On Jessi Jezewska Stevens’ Ghost Pains The Journal

Art, Memory, Time, and Nature: A Review of Christine Lai’s Landscapes The Journal

Impressions of Time: An Interview with Christine Lai — The Journal

…The Gossamer Sensation of What Is Past: An Interview with Jamel Brinkley The Journal

Interview with Morgan Christie on her collection, These Bodies Full Stop
